If you are walking down the street and the man in front of you drops money or a wallet or other valuable from their pocket, by all means be a Good Samaritan and alert them that about their loss. Stick to shouting “Excuse me!” Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT shout, “Excuse me sir!” That person might not be a man!
Never mind if you have had a
good look at that person’s body structure from the back or if you have had a glimpse of their facial side spotting a fluffy, macho and masculine beard. Make absolutely sure that you have a full view of their face because that “sir” might very well be a “ma’am!” That would spell disaster because you are most likely going to receive a hard punch on the kisser for that mistaken gender identity.
good look at that person’s body structure from the back or if you have had a glimpse of their facial side spotting a fluffy, macho and masculine beard. Make absolutely sure that you have a full view of their face because that “sir” might very well be a “ma’am!” That would spell disaster because you are most likely going to receive a hard punch on the kisser for that mistaken gender identity.
So remember, not all people with beards are men and calling a bearded woman “sir” might just result in serious bodily harm being inflicted on your person.
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